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Minnesota Community Solar Gardens

We think Minnesota is the most exciting place to be right now for community solar gardens.  According to CleanTechnica, Minnesota’s Community Solar Program is the best designed.

Minnesota passed a community solar garden law in 2014 that requires utilities to create community solar programs.  There are already over 500 applications in for new projects, but Xcel Energy is requesting some changes to the program which is holding up the process.

Either way, some of these projects are already sold out and many more will be coming soon.

Minnesota also benefits from a robust solar industry with companies like tenKsolar

Minnesota Community Solar Garden Specs

  • Subscribers may live in a contiguous county with a CSG project.
  • Subscription purchasers receive their portion of the CSG’s generation as a credit on their electric bill.
  • Minimum subscription 200 watts.
The Value of Solar Tariff (VOST) is a possible option for CSGs.
  • If VOST is applied for CSGs, then it will be limited solar gardens that are less than 1 MW but will not include a limit on the number of gardens.
  • (Statutory Reference MS 216B.164) (current MN PUC Docket No. E-002/M-13-867).

Minnesota Community Solar Garden List

We’ll let you know when a Minnesota Community Solar Garden becomes available to you.

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Want to Start Your Own?

Typically, community solar starts with a the solar developer or utility.  Due to the uncertainty of the project, community solar gardens are almost always undersized. is flipping this model on its head and starting with you! Check out to start the process.

List of Solar Developers in Minnesota

Coming Soon.

List of Solar Installers In Minnesota

Coming Soon.

List of Solar Lenders in Minnesota

Coming Soon.

List of Solar Manufacturers in Minnesota

Coming Soon.

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